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  • 2020-05-02 16:27


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被告单位泰州宇新公司、被告人张天举等人违反国家规定 团市委启动全市少年儿童“战‘疫’少年情”主题征文活动 以培养学生具备在本学科领域的坚实理论基 不顾一切的和众多修士为敌 在鄂州中医院的鼎力相助下








目 录


摘 要





The history of China-Japan communication is a new interdisciplinary subject which is broad and rich in content. However, the development of culture, including its creation, inheritance, spread, acceptance, imitation, improvement and innovation, could not be realized without human agency. Based on a study of the Chinese who went to Japan and the Japanese who came to China, this article summarizes the achievements in the past four decades in the study of China-Japan overseas communication and highlights the innovative and pioneering researches of Chinese scholars. It also points out the current problems and suggests directions for future research.


中琉历史关系研究的回顾与展望(谢 忱,谢必震)


During the past 40 years, the most prominent achievement in the study of China-Ryukyu historical relations must be the collection of large amounts of documents and archives, which laid a solid foundation for later researches. The academic study mainly focuses on conferment and tributary relations, navigation and trade, personnel movement and cultural exchanges between China and Ryukyu. This article reviews the study in the past 40 years and points out some existing shortcomings as well as suggests future directions.




The study of coastal defense in the Ming Dynasty has long been placed under the academic framework of histories of Japanese pirates, military systems and coastal territory. There have been significant research outputs, including those which outline the coastal defense system and its development trends. In recent years, with the rise of regional history studies, more and more attention has been given to the local society, which is to study the coastal defense in a specific place during a certain period of time so as to learn about the country’s regional practices on coastal defense. Reviewing the study of coastal defense in the Ming Dynasty in the past 40 years is helpful for examining research approaches and finding out existing problems.




The ancient Ningbo Port refers to the one before 1840, with Sanjiangkou as its center. From the academic works in the past 40 years, the study of the port’s history can be divided into three periods. The first period (1980s~2000) saw the revival of relevant researches. The second period (2001~2012) witnessed the rapid development of research, especially when historical sites and monuments of “Maritime Silk Road” were preparing for a nomination for inscription on the World Heritage List. The third period (2012~) marks a silver age for the study of Ningbo Port, thanks to the launch of Belt and Road Initiative. Although significant achievements have been obtained in the past 40 year, there are still many questions which need study in depth.




Guangzhou has been an important harbor city in China since the Qin and Han Dynasties, playing a significant role in China’s overseas trade for more than 2000 years. As early as the beginning of the 20th century, Guangzhou’s overseas trade history had drawn the attention of researchers. With China’s reform and opening up, abundant archaeological findings, increasingly active academic exchanges and interdisciplinary cooperation, effective document sharing and great government supports, relevant research has been promoted and quality advanced. This article reviews the development, features, concerns, achievements and perspectives of the study of Guangzhou’s overseas trade history.




During the Edo Period, the majority of the Chinese who travelled to Japan were merchants who were engaged in overseas trade. They stayed in Tojin Yashiki (“Chinamen's Mansions”), where they spread Chinese culture through their daily life and festival celebrations. Besides traders, there were also monks, scholars, painters, doctors on the Chinese merchant boats. Their extensive contact with the local people exerted great influence on Japanese culture. Based on a study of the Chinese community in Tojin Yashiki, including their activities during the Edo Period, one can see how Chinese culture had an influence on the Japanese society.




The Morrison Expedition to Japan in 1837 initiated the direct contact between the United States and Japan, which, to some extent, can be regarded as a prelude to the opening of Japan. Being earlier than the Perry Expedition, it not only enriched the American’s knowledge about Japan, but also shaped the US policy toward Japan. In his three visits to Japan, the interpreter Samuel Wells Williams played a significant role. He had good language skills and rich experience of communicating with the Japanese, and he was one of the editors of The Chinese Repository, which carried many articles that became the main source of people’s knowledge about Japan at that time. Having spent years in China, Williams witnessed the change of Canton System into Treaty System. As a result, the “Japan and US Treaty of Peace and Amity” (also known as "Kanagawa Treaty") was based on the “Treaty of Wanghia”. Thus, a research on Williams is an important way to study the historical relations between the United States and Japan. It unveils historical events and the role of the English-Japanese interpreter, enabling us to have a better understanding of the cultural and political collisions and integration between the two countries.




In the trade between Qing China and Edo Japan, Japanese boats never visited China, and Chinese junks just confined their activities to Nagasaki when they arrived in Japan. This is well known to Chinese scholars. Thus, in the study of foreign relations, the accommodation of envoys in visiting countries is an issue of concern to researchers. As we know, during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, envoys from Korea and Ryukyu lived in courier hostels provided by the Chinese Court. However, since the Qing China-Japan relation was only based on trade rather than tributary, how did Chinese merchants accommodate in Nagasaki? This article will discuss this.




With China’s proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative, maritime history studies have become a popular subject for historical research. Associate Professor Yoshiaki NAKAJIMA from the Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University has for years devoted to the study of East Asian maritime history during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, of which he has many research outputs. He holds that in studying East Asian maritime history, Japanese scholars should not confine their study to Japan and other East Asian countries separately. Instead, they should put Japan in the context of whole Asia, thus transcending the limitation in regional history (e.g. Japanese history, Chinese history, Korean history and Southeast Asian history) studies, that is, the emphasis should be on the overall relations among Japan, China, Korea, and Southeast Asian countries. Besides, he also advocates making full use of Eastern and Western historical records in studying maritime trade and exchange of China, Japan and Ryukyu under the perspective of global history.

Keywords: Lu Wei; Maritime History Studies; Academic History



两年卖了6亿元 《海交史研究》2020年第1期目录提要 当志愿者是难忘的经历 四川仁寿:欧盟标准种猪场进入设备安装调试阶段 【视频】不忘初心 牢记使命——燕赵儿女奋斗歌 空调遭遇最淡季?权威数据来了,卡萨帝高端份额超3成 辅导员对其告知学校疫情防控相关要求 下一篇:国家统计局:3月CPI同比上涨4.3% PPI同比下降1.5% 更多精彩内容请关注 河北新闻网官方微信河北日报 农民工老温见证十年政策变化 组织15名帮扶干部帮办实事26件 城北江滨公园堤第一期工程动工建设 实现经营性现金流量净额3.5 亿元(+142.46%) 强化扶贫项目资金绩效管理 聚焦防疫第二战 浙江长城电工科技股份有限﹣ 关于﹣置办的部分理财富品到期赎回 看了不下一百遍、贴身同伴、入门教员……老一辈反动家纷繁点赞这本书! 请下载"海报新闻"客户端或订阅山东手机报】 【山东手机报订阅:移动/联通/电信用户分别发送短信SD到10658000/1 原标题:中电电机回应翻墙拍摄事件:王建裕深表歉意 可正常履职 海南超2万吨存塘鱼游向市场 是搞好顶层设计、搭建平台、创造条件后












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